ENDscript  2.0

October 1st, 2024: we are pleased to announce the release of our new webservice: FoldScript

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ENDscript Outputs
Some ENDscript output examples from selected PDB entries are illustrated here.

Click on the thumbnails below to access full-size images or download the corresponding flat figures (in PDF format) and PyMOL session files for interactive 3D representations (PyMOL needs to be installed on your computer).

• Example #1
PDB entry 3B4N : Crystal structure of pectate lyase PelI from Erwinia chrysanthemi
ENDscript 3B4N phase 1 ENDscript 3B4N phase 2 Espript flat figure, phase 1 (PDF) [12 Kb]
Espript flat figure, phase 2 (PDF) [13 Kb]
ENDscript 3B4N PyMOL Cartoon ENDscript 3B4N PyMOL Sausage PyMOL 'Cartoon' session file [3.2 Mb]
PyMOL 'Sausage' session file [3.2 Mb]

• Example #2
PDB entry 2CHU : Crystal structure of a ferric enterobactin binding protein with a [{Fe(mecam)}2]6-bridge
ENDscript 2CHU phase 1 ENDscript 2CHU phase 2 Espript flat figure, phase 1 (PDF) [12 Kb]
Espript flat figure, phase 2 (PDF) [18 Kb]
ENDscript 2CHU PyMOL Cartoon ENDscript 2CHU PyMOL Sausage PyMOL 'Cartoon' session file [2.8 Mb]
PyMOL 'Sausage' session file [2.8 Mb]

• Example #3
PDB entry 1UPH : NMR structure of HIV-1 myristoylated matrix protein
ENDscript 1UPH phase 1 ENDscript 1UPH phase 2 Espript flat figure, phase 1 (PDF) [8 Kb]
Espript flat figure, phase 2 (PDF) [12 Kb]
ENDscript 1UPH PyMOL Cartoon ENDscript 1UPH PyMOL Sausage PyMOL 'Cartoon' session file [2.6 Mb]
PyMOL 'Sausage' session file [2.6 Mb]

• Example #4
PDB entry 3OHN : Crystal structure of the FimD translocation domain
ENDscript 3OHN phase 1 ENDscript 3OHN phase 2 Espript flat figure, phase 1 (PDF) [14 Kb]
Espript flat figure, phase 2 (PDF) [16 Kb]
ENDscript 3OHN PyMOL Cartoon ENDscript 3OHN PyMOL Sausage PyMOL 'Cartoon' session file [8.3 Mb]
PyMOL 'Sausage' session file [8.3 Mb]

SBGrid © 2005-2024 The ENDscript authors & CNRS - Contact: espript@ibcp.fr
ESPript is an SBGrid supported application

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