ENDscript  2.0

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ENDscript Outputs
Here are some examples of ENDscript output from selected PDB entries.

Click on the thumbnails below to view the images in full size, or download the corresponding flat figures (in PDF format) and PyMOL session files for interactive 3D representations (PyMOL must be installed on your computer).

• Example #1
PDB entry 3B4N : Crystal structure of pectate lyase PelI from Erwinia chrysanthemi
ENDscript 3B4N phase 1 ENDscript 3B4N phase 2 Espript flat figure, phase 1 (PDF) [12 Kb]
Espript flat figure, phase 2 (PDF) [13 Kb]
ENDscript 3B4N PyMOL Cartoon ENDscript 3B4N PyMOL Sausage PyMOL 'Cartoon' session file [3.2 Mb]
PyMOL 'Sausage' session file [3.2 Mb]

• Example #2
PDB entry 2CHU : Crystal structure of a ferric enterobactin binding protein with a [{Fe(mecam)}2]6-bridge
ENDscript 2CHU phase 1 ENDscript 2CHU phase 2 Espript flat figure, phase 1 (PDF) [12 Kb]
Espript flat figure, phase 2 (PDF) [18 Kb]
ENDscript 2CHU PyMOL Cartoon ENDscript 2CHU PyMOL Sausage PyMOL 'Cartoon' session file [2.8 Mb]
PyMOL 'Sausage' session file [2.8 Mb]

• Example #3
PDB entry 1UPH : NMR structure of HIV-1 myristoylated matrix protein
ENDscript 1UPH phase 1 ENDscript 1UPH phase 2 Espript flat figure, phase 1 (PDF) [8 Kb]
Espript flat figure, phase 2 (PDF) [12 Kb]
ENDscript 1UPH PyMOL Cartoon ENDscript 1UPH PyMOL Sausage PyMOL 'Cartoon' session file [2.6 Mb]
PyMOL 'Sausage' session file [2.6 Mb]

• Example #4
PDB entry 3OHN : Crystal structure of the FimD translocation domain
ENDscript 3OHN phase 1 ENDscript 3OHN phase 2 Espript flat figure, phase 1 (PDF) [14 Kb]
Espript flat figure, phase 2 (PDF) [16 Kb]
ENDscript 3OHN PyMOL Cartoon ENDscript 3OHN PyMOL Sausage PyMOL 'Cartoon' session file [8.3 Mb]
PyMOL 'Sausage' session file [8.3 Mb]

SBGrid © 2005-2025 The ENDscript authors & CNRS - Contact: espript@ibcp.fr
ESPript is an SBGrid supported application

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